Repos that run my CICD

These are the projects my special lady worked on.
The GitHub workflows, Terraform Templates and Dockerfile/docker_compose are mine.


This is a legacy project that is no longer maintained, but this is a project where I guided a team of SJSU students on their final senior project.

In this project I ran the Scrum meetings, helped with the architecture, and helped with the deployment.

A user can submit a picture via URL or phone camera upload, then the picture is uploaded to S3, the request is sent to rabbitMQ and is consumed by a backend that sends the image to AWS Rekognition for analysis, then the result json is then parsed into natural language, then fed into Azure Text to Speech, then all that information is collected and sent to the frontend for the user to listen to the description of the image.

Unfortunately the APIs have changed a bit since the demo and because of the lack of maintenance, the project is no longer functional. But you can check out the project in the 2021 SJSU Project Expo.

GitHub Repo Website